About me

Since joining our family-run restaurant and café in 2012, I’ve had a lot to do with coffee. Especially with the preparation of classic Italian coffee drinks, such as espresso, cappuccino, etc.

A little over three years ago, I once again became aware of Latte Art and started to train. A few months later, I attended a full-day barista course for people who have a lot to do with coffee professionally. There, my eyes were opened for the first time to the wonderful product that is coffee. It was this “aha moment” that has accompanied me ever since and continues to fascinate me again and again.

Then, more or less by chance, I became aware of Dritan Alsela’s YouTube channel. These videos only fuelled my passion even more and I started to train on the coffee machine. It was also these videos that taught me how much fun working with a portafilter can be. Even now, these videos are a great source of inspiration for me.

Now I spend a lot of time trying out and learning different brewing methods, such as the French Press, V60, Aeropress and many more. Since then, I try to share my passion with as many people as possible.